
Importance of strength and conditioning training

by Chloe Simkiss on Feb 16, 2021

Importance of strength and conditioning training

Importance of strength and conditioning training

Posted by Chloe SImkiss | FEB-16-2021

Ever wondered why you don't get any faster?

As runners, triathletes and all round weekend warriors, we're always analysing our performance and questioning our abilities. If you're plagued by constant niggles and injury or, struggling to shave even 30 seconds off your PB, there could be a very simple reason why. 😲

Read our guide below to find out how you can incorporate strength and conditioning into your fitness regime for performance related benefits.



What is strength and conditioning?

Strength and conditioning is fitness based on movement that uses a variety of core conditioning, weight training, agility and mobility exercises. Incorporating regular sessions into your coaching may be a good way to change your body, improve your performance and reach the results you want

Strength and Conditioning coaches have two main goals...

  • To help athletic performance by improving athletes’ mobility, stability, strength, endurance, power, speed, agility and performance.
  • To reduce injuries. Coaches can create a plan to help you strengthen body parts that are prone to injury in a particular sport. 

What are examples of strength and conditioning training?

A ‘strength exercise’ is any activity that makes your muscles work harder than they usually do. This training helps to improve your muscles’ strength, size, power and endurance.

Muscle-strengthening activities examples:

  • Lifting weights
  • Working with resistance bands
  • Heavy gardening, such as digging and shovelling
  • Climbing stairs
  • Hillwalking
  • Cycling
  • Dance
  • Push-ups, sit-ups and squats
  • Yoga

What are conditioning workouts?

Body conditioning usually includes:

  • Aerobic exercise
  • Strength training
  • Stretching and flexibility exercises

Benefits of strength and conditioning training?

  • Faster Recovery After Injury - Sometimes injuries cannot be helped but strength and conditioning can give you stringer muscles and you will be more adapted which can aid your recovery process.
  • Improved Performance - Programs for strength and conditioning will aim to improve performance over a specific amount of time. Using scientifically-backed training methods, strength & conditioning coaches will begin by identifying key areas of improvement to create a personalised plan for individual performance enhancements.
  • Exercise Can Become More Enjoyable - When you move correctly, you begin to notice greater physical changes in your appearance which can bring benefits to your mental health too.

How gel packs can aid your recovery?

If your muscles have been overworked, try our hot cold gel packs post workout to help with your recovery.

Use cold therapy:

  • Cold can reduce inflammation. Excessive inflammation can cause an overuse injury. Try a cold gel pack to help lower risk of sore muscle.
  • Cold can treat existing injuries. Applying ice can help reduce swelling and help you recover quicker!

Reasons to use heat:

  • Heat relaxes muscles. Heat helps dilate blood vessels and promotes blood flow.

Multi-purpose Reusable Hot/Cold Gel Ice Pack (13x26cm) with Compress Wrap - Gelpacks Direct
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Team GDP top strength and conditioning books

1. High-Performance Training for Sports.

The book is the perfect guide for athletic conditioning. It is filled with facts, findings, insights and training prescriptions for enhancing each component of athletic performance.

2. Conscious Coaching: The Art and Science of Building.  

Want to learn about the foundational principles of improving relationships, enhancing engagement, and gaining the trust of athletes through targeted communication? This book is perfect for you as it teaches you how to apply these principles when working as a PT.

3. Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: Integrating Medicine and Science for Performance Solutions.

This book would be a great choice if you are studying sports science, and for any clinician, coach or high performance professional working to prevent or rehabilitate sports injuries.

Many triathletes find strength and conditioning training very helpful for their recovery.

Check out our blog about common triathlon injuries here.

Strength and conditioning has so many benefits,not just in sports but also in everyday life. Incorporating some of the principles into your own training can really make a difference to how you perform, move and live!

Check our running for mental health blog here.

Stay strong!


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