
The Best Ways to Treat a Cut

by Tia Patel on Dec 08, 2020

The Best Ways to Treat a Cut

How to treat a cut at home?

First aid for cuts and lacerations

Posted by Tia Patel | Dec-10-2020

Cuts from a sharp knife or a piece of glass are very common. All it takes is a slip of the knife or a dish breaking, and suddenly there’s blood. However, while these types of cuts are startling, most can be safety treated at home. Read on to find out how to heal wounds naturally with our step-by-step guide to home care for minor wounds.

Best ways to treat a cut:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  2. Wash the cut to prevent infection. Using cool or lukewarm water and a mild soap or cleanser, gently remove dirt and debris.
  3. Stop the bleeding. Apply pressure to the cut using a clean washcloth or gauze. Maintain pressure for one to two minutes or until bleeding stops.
  4. Use your gel pack cold to slow down blood flow to an injury. This, in turn, will reduce pain and swelling in the area. Cold therapy is typically used immediately after an injury has occurred to reduce inflammation and help facilitate healing. Continue applying cold in 20 minute intervals.
  5. Cover the cut with a sterile bandage or a plaster, depending on how deep the wound is, this will prevent it from reopening. Keep the cut covered until it heals. changing the dressing daily.
  6. Consider taking over-the-counter pain medication if pain persists.
  7. Make sure your tetanus vaccination is up to date. If your cut is from a dirty or rusty object. If you aren’t sure, it's probably best to consult your doctor.

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How to identify and treat an infected cut ?

Wounds can become infected with harmful germs (bacteria) which prevents healing. It also increases your risk of scars. In some cases, the infection may spread to other parts of your body. An infection with the bacteria that causes tetanus can be fatal. Know what to look for and get prompt treatment for infection!

What are the symptoms of infection?

  • Redness, warmth around the wound
  • Yellow or green discharge or foul-smelling drainage from a wound
  • Edges look like they are opening
  • Red streaks on the skin around the wound.
  • Fever and chills.
  • A change in the color or size of a wound
  • Vomiting

To treat an infected wound at home, follow these steps:

  • Before beginning, ensure that all necessary equipment is clean. For example, if using tweezers, clean them with rubbing alcohol first.
  • Thoroughly wash the hands with soap and warm water, then rinse and dry them.
  • Clean the cut or scrape by running warm water over it for several minutes. Use warm, soapy water to clean the surrounding skin, but avoid getting soap in the wound.
  • Make sure that there is no dirt or debris, such as glass or gravel, in the wound. To remove debris, either use tweezers or carefully and gently rub the wound with a soft, damp cloth.
  • If desired, apply a thin layer of antiseptic ointment or petroleum jelly to the cut or scrape.
  • Allow the skin to air-dry before covering it with gauze or a bandage. There is usually no need to cover minor cuts and scrapes.

When to see a doctor for a cut?

A person with a wound should seek medical attention if:

  • The wound is large, deep, or has jagged edges
  • The edges of the wound do not stay together
  • Symptoms of infection occur, such as fever, increasing pain or redness, or discharge from the wound
  • It is not possible to clean the wound properly or remove all debris, such as glass or gravel

Seek urgent medical attention if blood is spurting from the wound or if applying pressure to the wound does not stop the bleeding.

Remember to always keep your hands clean when treating cuts and grazes. Sending you cut healing powers!


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